Cleanup and BBQ

The annual roadside cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, April 27.  There will be a large dumpster at the community center.  It will be available Friday night and all day Saturday and Sunday.  Please no tires or metal.  They should be recycled.  Garbage bags will be available at the community center starting at about 8.

We will have a BBQ at Pete and Ceilidh’s house at the corner of SR 196 and the Amalia School  Road. We have invited Legislators and Taos County officials to the BBQ so we can give them a BIG thank you in helping with the $150,000 appropriation for our community building. Senator Pete Campos, Senator Carlos Cisneros, Representative Bobby Gonzales, and Commissioner Larry Sanchez are scheduled to attend.

The BBQ will start at 12 after the cleanup.  A fabulous feast is planned including beef brisket, pork, and lamb cooked in a pit.   There will be numerous side dishes including slaw, baked beans and potato salad as well as other side dishes and desserts that community members will bring.  There will be beer kegs from Mesa Brewing Company in Taos and soda for the children.

Horse shoes will be set up so you can try your skills at that game.  There will be music from an I-Pod and we hope much merriment.

Please plan to join us for this fun event.  Bring something to share if you’d like.